57. Liandeng Li, Jiarui Fang, Jinlei Jiang, Lin Gan, Weijie Zheng, '''Haohuan Fu''', Guangwen Yang, “Efficient AES implementation on Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer: A systematic approach”, Journal of Parallel and Dis-tributed Computing, Vol. 138, pp. 178-189, 2020.
Release time:2023-04-13 Hits:
Pre One:58. Shuai Yuan, Runmin Dong, Juepeng Zheng, Wenzhao Wu, Lixian Zhang, Weijia Li,'''Haohuan Fu''', “Long time-series analysis of urban development based on exective building extraction”, Geospatial Informatics X, Vol. 11398, pp. 113980M, 2020.
Next One:56. Runmin Dong, '''Haohuan Fu''', “How to improve 3-m resolution land cover mapping from imperfect 10-m resolu-tion land cover mapping product?”, EGU2020, Vol. EGU2020-3814, 2020.