Education Background
Imperial College London London, UK PhD in Computing 11/2005 – 12/2008
- thesis title: Application-Specific Number Representations
- optimized logarithmic and residue arithmetic on FPGAs
- developed bit-width optimization tools using dynamic and static analysis techniques
- improved computation performance and reduced area cost for given applications by customizing the number representation
City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong MPhil in Computer Science 09/2003 – 07/2005
- thesis title: Efficient Multimedia Data Transmission over Heterogeneous Networks
- A+ grades in all taught courses (Mobile Computing & Parallel ComputingEmbedded Systems with a Vehicle Plate Recognition
System on ARM CPU
Grants, Contracts, and Donations
Tsinghua University Beijing, China B. Eng. in Computer Science and Technology 09/1999 – 07/2003
- graduated with major GPA of 91.30/100, ranking the 6th of over 150 students
- awarded Second Prize in the National Design Contest on Embedded Systems with a Vehicle Plate Recognition
System on ARM CPU
Grants, Contracts, and Donations