Selected Publications
- [481] Zhang Y-JInfluence of Segmentation over Feature Measurement.Amsterdam;Pattern Recognition Letters,1995,16(2):201-206.
- [22] Huang X M,Zheng Y, Huang J Z, Zhang Y-J.A Minimum Barrier Distance Based Saliency Box for Object Proposals Generation.New Jersey;IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2018,25(8):1126-1130.
- [23] 袁静,章毓晋.线性高光谱解混模型综述.上海;红外与毫米波学报,2018,37(5):553-571.
- [24] Xu X Y,Sun D Q, Liu S F, Ren W Q, Zhang Y-J, Yang M H, Su J.Rendering Portraitures from Monocular Camera and Beyond.Munich;European Conference on Computer Vision,2018,,1~16.
- [155] [66]Xu Q., S.R. Liu, S.Q. An, Y.X. Jiang, G.H. Lin. 2007. Hydrogen stable isotope characteristics of the precipitation allocation processes in sub-alpine dark coniferous forest of western China. The Proceedings of China Association for Science and Technology, Science Press USA 3: 1069-1075.
- [156] [65]徐庆、刘世荣、安树青、蒋有绪、林光辉. 2007. 四川卧龙亚高山暗针叶林土壤水的氢稳定同位素特征. 林业科学43: 8-14.
- [157] 2006
- [158] [64]Pegoraro. E., A. Ray, L. Abrell, J. van Haren, G.H. Lin. 2006. Drought effect on isoprene production and consumption in Biosphere 2 tropical rainforest. Global Change Biology 12: 456-469.
- [29] 34. J. Paillassa, I. J. Wright, I. C. Prentice, S. Pepin, N. G. Smith, G. Ethier, A. C. Westerband, L. J. Lamarque, H. Wang, W. K. Cornwell and M. Vincent: When and where soil is important to modify the carbon and water economy of leaves. New Phytologist. 228: 121–135
- [30] 33. O. Franklin, S. P. Harrison, R. Dewar, C. E. Farrior, A. Brännström, U. Dieckmann, S. Pietsch, D. Falster, W. Cramer, M. Loreau, H.Wang, A. Mäkelä, K. T. Rebel, E. Meron, S. J. Schymanski, E. Rovenskaya, B. D. Stocker, S. Zaehle, S. Manzoni, M. van Oijen, I. J. Wright, P. Ciais, P. M. van Bodegom, J. Peñuelas, F. Hofhansl, C. Terrer, N. A. Soudzilovskaia, G. Midgley and I. C. Prentice: Organizing principles for vegetation dynamics. Nature Plants. 6: 444-453.