Selected Publications
- [481] Zhang Y-JInfluence of Segmentation over Feature Measurement.Amsterdam;Pattern Recognition Letters,1995,16(2):201-206.
- [482] 傅倬,章毓晋,章毓晋,章毓晋,章毓晋,罗惠韬.一种新的亚像素边缘检测方法及其性能研究.北京;电脑应用技术,1995,35(-):1-5.
- [483] 章毓晋一种评价图像分割技术的新方法.合肥;模式识别与人工智能,1994,7(4):299-304.
- [24] 17. Zhou, W., M. Chen, W. Zhuang, F. Xu, F. Zheng, T. Wu, and X. Wang. (2016). Evaluation of the Tropical Variability from the Beijing Climate Center's Real-Time Operational Global Ocean Data Assimilation System. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33(2):208-220.
- [25] 16. Dong, W., Y. Lin, J.W. Wright, Y. Ming, Y. Xie, B. Wang, Y. Luo, W. Huang, J. Huang, L. Wang, L. Tian, Y. Peng, F. Xu (2016). Summer rainfall over the southwestern Tibetan Plateau controlled by deep convection over the Indian subcontinent, Nature Communications, 2016,7:10925.
- [26] 15. Xu, F.*, L.-Y. Oey. (2015). Seasonal SSH variability of the Northern South China Sea,Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(6):1595-1609.
- [27] 14. Sun, J., L.-Y. Oey, R. Chang, F. Xu, S.-M., Huang. (2015). Ocean response to Typhoon Nuri (2008) in western Pacific and South China Sea, Ocean Dynamics, DOI. 10.1007/s10236-015-0823-0.
- [28] 13. Xu, S., Huang, X., Oey, L.-Y., Xu, F., Fu, H., Zhang, Y., and Yang, G. (2015). POM.gpu-v1.0: a GPU-based Princeton Ocean Model, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2815-2827.
- [29] 12. Xu, F.*, L.-Y. Oey. (2014). State analysis using the Local ensemble transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) and the three-layer circulation structure of the Luzon Strait and the South China Sea, Ocean Dynamics, Volume 64, Pages 905-923.
- [30] 11. Xu, F., L.-Y. Oey, Y. Miyazawa, P. Hamilton, (2013). Hindcasts and forecasts of Loop Current and eddies in the Gulf of Mexico using local ensemble transform Kalman filter and optimum-interpolation assimilation schemes, Ocean Modelling, Volume 69, Pages 22-38.